National Center for Laboratory Animal Production (CENPALAB)

Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industries
3rd Street No. 40759 between 6th and Highway Tirabeque, Boyeros.
3rd Street
No. 40759
Postal code
(+53)76839008 - (+53)76839058
Web page
Contact person's name
Dr. Miguel Angel Esquivel Pérez (Business Development Director)
Short description of the company
The National Center for Laboratory Animal Production has as its corporate purpose to investigate, produce, transport and market products in the field of animal, agricultural and environmental science of laboratory animals and other species of interest. It provides scientific-technical services in the field of agricultural, environmental, and nutritional animal science for laboratory animals, as well as build, evaluate, assemble, develop projects, provide scientific-technical services, and market protected technological systems, equipment, and devices for animals, automatic, computer and communication solutions in the agricultural, industrial, transport spheres and in other spheres of interest.
Company`s description
The National Center for Laboratory Animal Production (CENPALAB) is a scientific institution of technical services and highly specialized productions, dedicated to the science of laboratory animals and agricultural spheres. The institution produces different lines of laboratory animals to be used in studies in the fields of Oncology, Immunology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and others, related to the development of biomedical sciences and the development of the medical-pharmaceutical industry. Various biological products obtained from laboratory animals of different species are produced, such as vaccines, hyperimmune gammas, blood derivatives, and industrial production of ascitic fluid for the production of vaccines and therapeutic and diagnostic monoclonal antibodies, as well as organs and tissues. Efficient Microorganisms are produced on industrial scale, with the objective of treating sewage, solid or liquid wastewater, eliminating odors and population of flies, sanitary improvement, animal health, enrichment of substrates, soil improvement and the reduction of fertilizers in the agricultural productions since it is used as organic fertilizer and biofertilizer. Concentrated feed are produced and marketed, which can be presented in flour or pellets of different diameters, allowing the feeding of a wide range of animals. Feed are produced under a rigorous quality system, which verifies the quality of the raw materials used as well as the final product, certifying the components and bromatological composition of each of the formulas produced. We have developed the technological package for the whole intensive production of protein plants. With technological charts that establish protection needs for these plants in our edaphoclimatic conditions. And an agro-industrial process that closes the productive cycles, from planting and harvesting, going through drying, milling and pelletizing, until commercialization. Pellets made from Moringa, Mulberry and Tihonia are produced, which can be used in the preparation of concentrated feed for various species of animals. We have a group of specialists in the fields of automation and information technology, who develop application software, as well as automation solutions, related to precision agriculture, fleet control, geomatics, information technology, industrial automation and geographic information systems.
Partner search
laboratory animals, biotecnology, environment, agriculture
Short content description
We are looking for collaborators interested in the joint development of innovation and business projects in the following fields. Modern technologies for the production of experimental biomodels free of specific and conventional pathogenic germs; the development of regulatory toxicological tests and animal experimentation; the development of biotechnological products for human health and agriculture; the development of technologies and bioproducts for the care of the environment; the development of technologies for agricultural automation and precision agriculture.
The programme is co-financed by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund and the European Union, namely from the European Fund for Regional Development. It is carried out on the basis of the Substantial Support of Fund Recipients (SME) programme from 2018 to 2023 within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy from 2014 to 2020.