25 Avenue and 158 corner, Cubanacan, Playa
25 Avenue and 158 corner
Contact person's name
Deborah Rizo Polo
Short description of the company
The company provides representation services to the Center for Neurosciences of Cuba and other companies of the Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industries Group, BioCubaFarma; contributing to the establishment of strategic alliances and associations to enhance foreign trade and foreign investment activities, both in Cuba and abroad.
It has a branch in Colombia and is the majority shareholder of a joint venture in Spain and a subsidiary in Mexico. Through this external scheme, Neuronic, S.A. offers its clients services in the search for new markets, creation of new companies and businesses, protection of intellectual and industrial property abroad and foreign trade operations.
Company`s description
Neuronic is a Cuban enterprise founded in 1991 to manufacture and commercialize goods and services of the Cuban Center for Neuroscience. Currently, its function is to collaborate with local and foreign enterprises with common interests, for the development of Biotechnological and Biopharmaceutics sectors.
Neuronic is committed and responsibly guarantee the representative services to the Cuban Center for Neuroscience and other Cuban entities from the Biotechnological and Pharmaceutics Industry group (BioCubaFarma), contributing to the establishment of strategic alliances and associations for the promotion of foreign trade investment activities in Cuba and worldwide.
The vision of Neuronic is to be a Leading representative Company within BioCubaFarma Group, characterized by excellent level services, at the aim of developing the Biotechnological and Pharmaceutics sectors in Cuba and worldwide.
Among the services that Neuronic offer are:
1. New markets searching Identification, searching and development of new markets, clients and business opportunities.
2. Foundation of ne companies: Establishment, funding and promoting the creation of new companies or business.
3. Protection of the intellectual Property: Register, protect and renew in Cuba and abroad, modalities of industrial and Intellectual Property.
4. Commercial Operations: Perform commercial operations to support, develop and make operable, the purpose of the company.
Short content description
Neuronic is looking for partners to create new Joint Venture companies in the Neurosciences field to develop the innovative products of the Center for Neurosciences
The programme is co-financed by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund and the European Union, namely from the European Fund for Regional Development. It is carried out on the basis of the Substantial Support of Fund Recipients (SME) programme from 2018 to 2023 within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy from 2014 to 2020.